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TINY MEDICINE acupuncture

Services & Offerings



Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the skin to help prompt your bodies own unique intelligence to restore balance. Once the needles are in, most patients feel a sense of deep relaxation and often fall asleep.

Since acupuncture is founded on the principle of prevention, we generally recommend weekly “tune-ups”, but more personalized timelines will be created after considering your personal health goals and diagnosis.


A Randomized Clinical Trial in Veterans With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.

Acupuncture for the relief of hot flashes in breast cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Efficacy and safety of acupuncture treatment on primary insomnia: a randomized controlled trial


Fire Cupping

Cups made of thick glass or plastic are placed over particular points on the body. A vacuum is created within the cup to draw the skin up. This process opens up the skin’s pores, which helps to stimulate the flow of blood, balances and realigns the flow of Qi, breaks obstructions and creates a place for toxins in the body to be released. Not every treatment will require cupping, we determine if cupping is an appropriate treatment modality after a thorough intake. Cupping will generally be indicated if you have a cold, back pain, contracted tissue, emotional trauma, or history of toxic exposure (environmental or pharmaceutical).


Single Cupping Therapy Session Improves Pain, Sleep And Disability In Patients With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain

The Effects of Wet Cupping Therapy on the Blood Levels of Some Heavy Metals: A Pilot Study



Moxibustion is a treatment tool made out of the mugwort plant. Moxa is formed into a number of shapes; cone, stick, loose wool. Without touching the skin, the moxa is ignited to safely warm regions and acupuncture points, intending to stimulate circulation through the points and inducing a smoother flow of qi. Moxa can be very helpful in chronic fatigue, weakness after long illness, and fluid accumulation.


Efficacy of Warm Needle Moxibustion on Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Meta-Analysis.

Acupuncture and moxibustion for chronic fatigue syndrome in traditional Chinese medicine: a systematic review and meta-analysis.


Chinese Herbs

Chinese herbal remedies work in tandem with acupuncture treatments to help reinforce regular treatments. Herbal medicines, while mostly plant based, can also include minerals or animal products and can be adjusted to accommodate any dietary restriction. They can be packaged as powders, capsules, or decoctions.

Based on the diagnosis, each herb is carefully selected according to the state of the patient’s current state, (affected organs, balance of Yin and Yang, health goals). Different herbs have different properties and can balance particular parts of the body creating a more targeted approach to a treatment plan. Herbal therapies may be used to:

  • Decrease cold/flu symptoms

  • Improve digestion

  • Aid in recovery following illness

  • Provide support and rehabilitation from chronic disease

  • Decrease pain

  • Improve sleep


Herbal Medicine for Xerostomia in Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials.

Chinese herbal medicine for atopic dermatitis: A Systematic Review.


Collaborations & Education

Public education events are a great way to share the benefits of Chinese medicine and the science that supports it. They offer invaluable tools that your friends, co-workers, or family members can take with them wherever you go. It’s also an easy and safe first step towards acupuncture for those that are a little needle shy.

If you are interested in:

Hosted Workshops: Facial Gua Sha, Massage, and Cupping; Self Abdominal Massage; Breathing & Meditation; Barre/Isometric Movement Classes

Community Treatments: 24k Gold Ear Seeds/Auriculotherapy; Community Ear Acupuncture; Group Meditations with Needles

Consultation: Want to include Chinese Medicine & Wellness into your event or company? Let a team of licensed acupuncturists and doctors help you find the best way integrate it!

Feel free to reach out, we are always open to new collaborations.


Service Costs


$315/ Initial Visit (3 hours)
An acupuncture session includes consultation, treatment, and herbal prescription (if desired). Depending on diagnosis treatments may include fire cupping, tui na, gua sha, moxa or herbal compress at no additional charge

$165/ Follow-up (1 hour)
A follow-up session is any treatment after the initial visit. In addition to acupuncture, follow-ups include craniosacral therapy, sound healing, cupping (if necessary), and personalized meditations all crafted to support your individual needs.

community SUPPORT

At Tiny Medicine, we recognize that not everyone has the financial means for a full course of treatment. This is why we are always open to discussing modified rates and payment plans on a case-by-case basis.

herbal remedies & TELE-consultation

$95 / Online Herbal Consult (45 min)
An herbal consultation includes an herbal prescription following an in-person intake and tongue and pulse diagnosis. This cost does not include the price of the herbs as that cost will vary depending on prescription.

The price of an herbal consultation can be placed towards any acupuncture treatment

$200 / Lifestyle Recommendations (1.5 hours)
An in-detail discussion about lifestyle, trauma history, medical history, and health goals. After each consult you will receive a document that includes personalized treatment approaches using Chinese nutrition , qi gong exercises, acupressure, herbal prescription, and more

Workshops, events, and collaborations

Price varies, please contact for more info

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